BendPro G2 V3 CAD Interface
Using the BendPro CAD interface, parts can be imported directly into the BendPro parts editor and simulations can be ran in approximately one minute. At HMT, we call this “from art to part”. The CAD interface can greatly increase productivity by lowering program development time.

BendPro G2’s CAD Interface is an optional feature to import tube geometries from virtually any CAD program including SolidWorks, Solid Edge, AutoCAD, Inventor, CATIA, Pro-E, etc. This makes programming new parts much easier and quicker, while reducing data entry mistakes.
CAD interface can automatically analyze STEP or IGES files and extract the XYZ and bend data. The software will then automatically calculate important information from the CAD model including:
- YXZ Cartesian coordinates
- YBC bend data
- Tube Outside Diameter
- Tube Wall Thickness
- Tube Cut Length
- Units (Millimeters, Meters, Inches, Feet)
STEP or IGES files can be imported directly into the BendPro software and saved as bender part or Supravision files.